Be content with what you have. . . Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
Enjoying what you have is the principle of contentment. In a society where kids have $1000 mini computers in their hands (that sometimes double as a phone) and televisions come with 300 channels for $100/month (for the 3 channels that you actually watch), this principle of contentment is quite hard to find.
Indulging will never make you wealthy. People often join the Debt Set trying to become the Jet Set. More stuff does not equal happiness. Your yearnings will always exceed your earnings.
Don’t be so busy trying to acquire more. Instead, aim to enjoy more of what you already have.
Learn to be content: Use it up, Wear it out, or Do without!
Pray: Dear God, this is all about self-discipline. It’s pointing us to live differently than most everyone we know. The true difference is that when we choose to live like no one else now, later we can truly live like no one else. Help us to say no to ourselves and even to our children. This is going to make us quite unpopular at home especially among teens. Give us determination and commitment to these principles. Help us to instruct our kids in the ways they should go (including about money management) so when they’re old, they’ll stick with it. Lord, help us NOT to live in bondage to our creditors so that we can live in freedom for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.