Have Vision

Have Vision

Where there is no vision, the people perish… Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Sometimes we live life just going through the motions. We wake up in the morning, get ready, and go through the day. We take care of our families, we go to our jobs, and we run errands. While doing these things can be important, God didn’t create us just to exist. He created each of us for a purpose. When we have God’s vision for our lives, each day can be lived with passion. As we realize taking care of our family can change not only their future but the future of others they encounter, we can find joy in the ordinary. When we see our jobs as a place to touch the lives of others with God’s love, we can find it easier to get through the hard times. Running errands can have meaning when we realize we can show God’s love to everyone we meet throughout the day. It’s time to get God’s vision for your life.

Next Steps:
Spend time today asking God what His vision is for your life. Write it down. Ask God what steps to take today to make the vision happen.
