“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4 (ESV)
Everything was at risk if Jesus would have said no to God. If Jesus did not endure life and death…we would have no future, and possibly no present either.
If God spared the cross for Jesus (if Jesus did not die and resurrect) there would be no eternity for those who believe in Jesus.
Jesus has a story written in the Bible. If Jesus didn’t have a story, there would be no salvation for you or me. But God used Jesus’ story to save countless people who follow Christ.
As Christians, we are not just saved from death. We are saved to an eternity with God. Even more, we will experience eternal joy, singing, dancing, and celebrating. There will be no more tears, no death, no crying, and no pain. All suffering of every kind stops in heaven.
The story of Jesus is life-changing. What about your story? Who could be saved to eternal celebration because you have a story? Your pain is about more than you. The pain Jesus’ endured brought eternal life to others. Will your pain or story bring another person to Jesus?
We have to let God into our suffering moments. Connecting to God in this life means a connection forever. God is making everything right. This is our hope. Let God in now for eternity.
Pray: Dear God, our ultimate real hope is recognizing that we can be saved from pain to eternal gladness through Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Thank You that You are making all things new. Thank You that our struggles on earth are temporary. Thank You God for Jesus’ story that changes lives. Help me to share my story of pain and healing to encourage someone to know Jesus forever. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- To watch the messages in the “I Want to Believe, But…” series, click here.