“Don’t worry. Your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well what you need and will give it to you.” Matthew 6:31-32 (TLB)
For some of us, life is going well and we believe that we are the providers of our income and the things we have worked hard to obtain. The Bible, however, teaches that like a good father who provides for his family, God provides for us. Yes, we must get up and go to work, but God provided the opportunities, the abilities, the means, and the place of employment for us to reach our achievements.
For others, financial difficulties are a regular part of our lives and we wonder if there will be enough for us to get by. Our same heavenly Father, still the good father who loves and knows His children, is aware of what we need before we ask. He promises to supply what we need (Philippians 4:19). That’s a promise you can quite literally take to the bank!
Wherever we fall on the economic spectrum, there are biblical principles that we can apply to maximize our happiness during our time on this earth and our impact on eternity. Take a moment to look at your financial life and measure it against the scriptural principles we have learned in this lesson. If you see an area where they do not align, adjust your life to match what the Bible teaches. You will have a fuller life as a result.