Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to OVERFLOWING, and your vats will brim over with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10 (NIV)
Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor. Proverbs 22:9 (NLT)
Tithing (giving a tenth of your earnings) is a command by God. In Malachi 3:10, finances are the one area that God says we can test Him and see His faithfulness.
People often ask “Is this 10 percent of the net or gross?” Well, which one do you want God to bless? Pastor Jeff taught this weekend that the most sensitive nerve is the one that goes from the heart to the pocketbook.
John D. Rockefeller lived on the financial principle of Tithe 10%-Save 10%-Spend 80%. This is the same goal posted in an earlier devotion this week.
God was a giver. God gave His one and only Son on the cross. When you give, you’re becoming more like God.
An out of control financial life usually indicates an out of control spiritual life. Let God manage your life. God made you, so allow God to manage your life and help you in every area.
If the financial concepts highlighted this week seem hard to do because you still have more “month” left at the end of your money…know that you are not alone. The Care Ministry team at Heritage is equipped to walk along side of you into financial freedom. Contact the church and start your journey to freedom today.
Pray: Dear God, I invite you into my life. I want you to manage every area. I choose to hold nothing back from you. Please help me be more like you in my giving and thank you for giving me Jesus as my Savior. Help me to continue along the path to financial freedom. Let nothing stand in my way in living for you. Thank You God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.