“But when the right time came, God sent his Son who was born of a woman and lived under the law. God did this so he could buy freedom for those who were under the law and so we could become his children.” Galatians 4:4-5 (NCV)
The Bible is the basis of our faith and contains sixty-six books that begin with creation and lead us though God’s works and wonders to Jesus, the founding of the early church and works of the apostles. The Old Testament, the first thirty-nine books, begins with God creating the universe and shows us how God created man, how man betrayed God, and the slow, steady rebuilding of the relationship between God and man. This path is not straight and involves many winding curves of scripture, but it brings us through the lineage of God’s chosen people to the Savior, Jesus. The New Testament begins with the arrival of Jesus and continues through his ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection as well as the works of the apostles as they spread the Good News. What we can see through the whole of the Bible is that it always points to Jesus. Whether it is pointing to His eventual coming into the world or spreading his message of salvation, every part of scripture proclaims the truth of Christ.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us the Bible. Help me to see the threads of connection throughout the time, places, people, and events of the Bible and how they lead to Jesus. Allow me to see how they glorify God and how they point to the truth of Jesus. May this understanding help my faith to deepen in you, Lord. Amen.