Intelligent people think before they speak. What they say is then more persuasive. Proverbs 16:23 (GN)
It’s important that you think before you speak to others. Thinking before you speak is a habit that must be developed. It can be tempting to say whatever is on your mind (especially when frustrated). Although failing to think before you speak may bring short-term satisfaction, it will actually ruin the relationships in your life long-term. How do you practically think before you speak? Monitor any occasion where you have strong feelings about a subject or situation. During those times, make an effort to listen to the other person without interrupting them. Next, remember the verse below. Speak to others like you would speak to yourself (or how you would want others to speak to you).
…Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39 (NIV)
Action Step: Practice what you learned in this devotional this week during conversations at work and home.