The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT)
When we start on the path back to purity, we need some strategies in order to stay on the path in the face of the challenges and temptations in our daily lives. We also should recognize that we are not the first, nor the only, individuals to have these struggles. We need to refocus our lives away from our temptations and back onto living the right way (Romans 13:12-14). This helps us to avoid some temptations all together. We then need to replace them with good things. Something in our lives made that temptation tempting in the first place, so we should strive to find a positive way of replacing it that helps to fulfill the feeling that it was trying to fulfill. Finally, we must request help daily through prayer. God is not meant to be an afterthought in our struggles, but should be a champion we call upon from the beginning to help us. By avoiding temptations, finding new and positive ways to fill our lives, and by keeping God at the forefront of our journey, we can more easily find our way back to a holy life.
Pray: Lord, I am striving to keep to the holy life you want for me. I have seen your standards and embraced them. Help me to hold to them in the face of my daily temptations. Help me to find new ways to fill my life with goodness and right living. Lead me to new people who will support me and strength to resist those who tempt me. Thank you, Lord, for your forgiving love and the chance to return to the path you have intended for me all along. Amen.