“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.” Isaiah 61:1 (NLT)
Isaiah was a very important prophet. He had special insight from God as to how the future would unfold and was gifted with the ability to prophesy. He made many prophecies about Jesus, including the one above, which predicted that Jesus would proclaim that the savior to come would comfort the brokenhearted, free captives, and release prisoners. Then, in the Gospel of Luke, the passage of Luke 4: 16-21 shares the fulfillment of this prophecy where Jesus enters the synagogue in his hometown, reads this passage from the scroll, and declares that He has come to fulfill this part of scripture. Further in Luke 4 and beyond, Jesus’ actions show how he healed and freed those in need.
We can also find freedom in Jesus when we follow Him and place Him at the forefront of our lives. The promise of freedom is not limited to those in biblical times but to all who find faith in Jesus.
Pray: Lord, thank you for the freedom you have given me in Christ. I know that Jesus can heal me, comfort me, and free me from that which afflicts me. I can find a refuge and safe harbor in His love. Help me to strengthen my faith in times of trouble and maintain my faith in times of ease. Allow me to use my freedom for the good of your kingdom, now and forever, Amen.