“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.” Matthew 6:24 (NLT)
Let’s first look at this verse from a broader perspective. We have two basic choices in life – we can either choose to obey God or do what we want to do. We are faced with this choice in every aspect of our life. We can choose to forgive as outlined in the Bible or we can choose to hold on to anger and resentment for years. We can choose to serve others or choose to focus solely on our needs and comfort. Which option will you choose?
This verse specifically tells us that we can’t serve God and be enslaved to money. How are we enslaved to money? When our things become more important or take priority over God. Do we choose to tithe as God instructed us in the Bible or do we choose to purchase the new boat? Do we make a Kingdom impact with our finances or is the new/bigger house more important? Let’s be clear – God doesn’t need your money, but He does want your heart. God doesn’t have a problem with you having things, He simply wants you to have the right relationship with your money. Will you obey God with your money or choose to do whatever you want?