And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
Life does not always go the way we plan. We plan for everything to work out perfectly. We plan to find the perfect job and love it for our entire career. We plan to find the perfect spouse and never fight. We plan to have perfect children and live in the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood with perfect neighbors. We don’t plan to have any problems in life such as getting sick or not getting along with our boss. Then reality sets in. Things don’t work out perfectly. Things start to take a different direction than we planned. Sometimes we make bad decisions and cause our life to get a little off track.
If things in your life seem a little crazy, remember that God is in the restoration business. While things may not work out the way we wanted them to, God has a way of making things work out for us. Joseph probably didn’t want to be sold as a slave by his brothers, have his boss’s wife lie on him or end up in jail for no reason. But God used this crazy path to make him second in command over a nation (Genesis 41:40-46). David started as a shepherd boy tending his father’s flock, fought a giant, worked for the king who tried to kill him and eventually replaced that king (2 Samuel 5). Things did not go the way they planned, but God worked it out because He called them for a purpose. Your life may not be going as planned, but God can work all things for your good.
God, thank you for reminding me that life may not go according to my plan and that you are bigger than my plans. Thank you for working out all things for my good. Help me to find my purpose in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.