Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing. 1 Peter 3:9 (NLT)
Christians are called to the ministry of reconciliation (God, through Christ, reconciled the world to Himself and we must then reconcile people to God, letting them know of the Good News of Christ). In the times we live, it’s difficult to always find Christianity to be about Jesus first and behavior second. Often, we see the opposite when people don’t act like Christians (loving God and loving people).
We need to remember in these times especially that we are agents of reconciliation. We bring people to God for their eternal life, and then God does the work to change their life. All the anger and evil today are heart issues. Only God can heal hearts.
How will the people ever know God without Christians acting in love to bring people to God through Jesus? We must be the light and salt of the earth. Remember salt is useless in its box, but when used, salt can change everything.
Who will you touch and bring the salt of Jesus’ love to? We need to touch lives in our workplace to be used effectively in faith. Let your light shine for Jesus. You never know who will see it. Only heaven will tell what impact you had when you let your light shine.
Pray: Dear God, You have pricked our hearts for those who do not know You yet. You have made it clear You designed us with a mission. Lord, with Jesus in our hearts, and the Holy Spirit empowering us, please equip us to be the agents of reconciliation this world needs. Help us to draw people to Christ through Your light that shines through us. Help us to come in contact and let people know You are what makes us so special. We cannot do this without You…nor do we want to. Thank You for never leaving us especially when we needed You most. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.