Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
The Bible teaches that anyone who belongs to Christ gets a fresh start. No matter what happened in the past, in Christ, your future is brand new.
Have you spent your whole life striving for success? Have you experienced relationships that just never worked out? Have you done every self-help exercise, read every book, but still find that something is missing?
Friend, it’s time to stop. Stop living life the best way you know how. It’s time to come to Christ. Those old ways that left you longing, empty, lost…they are over. In Christ, your new life has begun!
So, how does that happen? How can a person come to Christ? It is a step of faith. It’s realizing your weakness and inability to save yourself. It is a simple conversation or prayer. You tell God how much you have tried on your own, how you have worked hard at life, how you have looked for answers everywhere else. You tell God how you recognize there is still something missing and you want Christ to be the head of your life.
God knows what you have been through. God has known you since you were formed in your mother’s womb. God knows you personally and intimately – after all God made you.
God cares so much for YOU that God sent His Son for YOU. God is waiting for you to come to Him. God is waiting to accept you with open arms. God is waiting to give you new life.