Expose It and Confess It

Expose It and Confess It

Expose It
“Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness, but instead, rebuke and expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 (LB)

It is easy to take for granted that bad things happen to people every day.  The world is full of violence and hate, but it is easy to become desensitized to it.  It is also easy to ignore it when it is happening around us.  We can focus on what is happening in our own lives instead of what is happening to others.  God calls us to rebuke and expose the evil around us.  He calls us the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16).  We need to shine our light every day in the world around us and expose the evil we see.

Confess It
“People who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them, they will receive mercy.”  Proverbs 28:13 (NLT)

Many times when we think of sin we focus on the items listed in the Ten Commandments.  We think of killing, stealing and lying.  But to God, sin is not just about our outward actions.  It also involves our inward emotions.  Our feelings and attitudes can lead to actions.  Instead of hiding from God when we discover sin in our life, we should confess it to Him and allow Him to cleanse us.  When we confess it, we will receive His mercy.

God, I choose to be the light in the dark world.  Show me the darkness I need to expose today.  Give me the boldness to speak out when I need to.  Also, please show me any sin in my life.  I am choosing not to cover it up but want to confess it and forsake it.  I want to seek your forgiveness.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.