God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT)
There is nothing you and I can do to earn God’s favor. We feel like we need to be good enough or do good enough to deserve God’s goodness, but the fact is: God bestows His favor. It’s His to give and ours to simply receive.
Favor is not fair. The cross wasn’t fair. God chooses to bless you because God loves you. God wants to channel His favor to flow through you and not just simply to stop with you. God made you for a purpose greater than yourself. God gives us favor to do what God created us for.
Do you ever feel guilty because it appears that you’re blessed more than others? We all go through stuff, sure. But for some, life just seems hard. Don’t feel guilty that you are blessed to be a blessing. God gives you blessings to pass them on. So tune in–next time you feel especially fortunate, praise God first, then do something for someone. Give credit to God and pass it on.
Favor comes with salvation. It’s not a reward for good things we’ve done; it’s simply what we receive because we believe. The favor of God makes living this life better only after our eternal life is settled.
Pray: Dear God, thank you for Your favor. Thank you that You love me so much that You not only saved me from my sins at the cross, but You continue to be with me through my everyday life. Thank you for the blessings You pour on me. Help me to be mindful where every good gift comes from–You! God, I just want to praise You for the blessings, never take credit myself, and never let the blessings stop at me. Help me remember I am blessed to be a blessing. Thank You God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.