Give Yourself Away

Give Yourself Away

Those who want to save their lives will give up true life. But those who give up their lives for me and for the Good News will have true life. Mark 8:35 (NCV)

The world we live in is full of people who put themselves and their own desires above the needs of others.  It’s easy to focus on our own needs and how people have wronged us.  But God calls us to a different path.  He wants us to surrender our life.  We can choose to do things our way or follow God’s plan for our life.  By giving up our life, we choose to move beyond our limited view of our life.  We can open ourselves up to the bigger plans God has for us.  It’s time to give yourself away.

Prayer: God, thank you that you have the view of my life from an eternal perspective.  You know the plans you have for my life.  I choose to give up my life for you so I can have true life in you.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Be Humble