“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33b NIV
Have you ever felt like God didn’t hear your prayer? Have you ever asked the hard question, “Where was God in that suffering or situation?” Have you ever felt let down by God because He didn’t answer the way you wanted Him to?
You are not alone.
We tend to define unanswered prayers as NOT getting what we asked for. We expect that the only answer can be “yes.” Our expectations are not set up for “no” or “not yet.”
God lets us live in this broken world…through all of its ups and downs. God lets us feel temporary pain because God knows what’s best for us.
Don’t be confused, God does not cause pain. God is the author of faith, not trouble. But it’s important to note, the Christian life is not a pain free life. The Christian life is an overcoming life through faith in Jesus Christ.
Pray: Dear God, Thank you that You do not cause pain in my life. Help me to keep faith and trust in You when life is painful. Let my suffering always produce something greater in me. Please give me understanding when Your answer to prayer is “No” or “Not Yet.” I want to run to You in difficult times because You are always there for me. Thank you God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- To watch the messages in the “I Want to Believe, But…” series, click here.