The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Exodus 33:11a
Many times we think prayer requires special words and positioning. Moses understood how to talk to God. He spoke to Him like a friend. He was able to share all his thoughts and feelings. He could tell God he was angry and hurt, but he could also share the joy and happiness in his life also. Moses and God spoke face to face. This shows a level of intimacy between them.
When we follow God’s commands, He considers us friends also (John 15:14). We can share with Him our ups and downs. We can cry out for help or just cry when going through a heartbreaking experience (Psalm 18:6). We can laugh with Him (Job 8:21). He wants us to come to Him as we would with any other friend because He is the one who will stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).