Ask for What You Want

Ask for What You Want

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! John 15:7 (NLT)

Don’t you love the feeling of giving the perfect gift to a person? You spend the time choosing just the right thing. You spent time getting to know what they want and picking it out just for them. When the time comes to give them this specially chosen gift, seeing the excitement on their face just adds to the specialness of the gift, since it is the thought that counts.

God promises that we can ask for whatever we want and it will be granted. But this promise has a condition. We have to remain in Him and have His Word remain in us. We have to continually be in God’s Word (the Bible) and dwell in Him. We have to learn what He wants. When we do, we will ask for the things He wants. He will have us ask Him for the things He was preparing to give us anyway. He has carefully designed a life for us and He wants to take the time to help us make it come true.