Taming My Temper at Work

Taming My Temper at Work

A quick-tempered person does foolish things…  Proverbs 14:17 (NIV)

Sometimes we have this unrealistic expectation that everyone on earth should be like us.  They should think like us, act like us, and respond in situations like we would.  This expectation often shows up in our workplace.  We make statements such as “Why don’t they get it?” or “Am I the only one here with a brain?”  We incorrectly expect them to know what we know or handle work tasks the same as us.

This frustration with your coworkers, if not monitored, can lead to anger and cause you to make poor choices.  The Bible tells us that a quick-tempered person does foolish things.  It’s important that we don’t respond negatively to others when we feel we are the smartest person in the room.  Extend patience to others because there are areas where they could be more knowledgeable than you and you need their patience.

Prayer:  God give me patience with my coworkers.  Help me to have a positive attitude at work.  Help me not to be quick-tempered in my interactions with them.  Help me to stop and reflect before I respond.  I want to be an example of you in my workplace.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.