Jesus Is Standing at the Door

Jesus Is Standing at the Door

Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in…  Revelation 3:20 (CEV)

The bible tells us that Jesus is standing and knocking at the door.  You can look at this twofold.  First, if you haven’t accepted Him (Jesus) into your life, He is patiently waiting for you to open the door so He can come in.

If you have already accepted Him, He wants a deeper relationship with you.  He doesn’t just want to be the person you call on in times of trouble.  He wants a genuine relationship with you.

Do you have a daily time where you pray or read your bible?  Are you consistent with that time?  Take a moment to identify a time and place for your “quiet time” with God or make a commitment to be more consistent with that time.

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