“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Matthew 25:23 (NIV)
When we reevaluate how we want our second half to go, we need to remember why we are seeking change in the first place. When everything is said and done, when we are at our final judgment, how do we wish to be found? Humanity has been created and called by God to be greater than our individual selves and it is our duty to answer that call. We must begin our lives focusing on ourselves and learning what it means to be a person, but as we age and gain experience, we must also seek the purposes God has made us for. When it is our half time, we need to remember why we are playing and why we are seeking to win as well as how to accomplish it. The payoff for such focus will be eternity (having accepted Christ into your life) for the efforts we put into obeying God in this world.
Prayer: Lord, always keep your presence in my mind and keep your promises at the forefront of my focus. Consistently show me how to live in the best way and to fulfill what I was made to do. Give me strength for my struggles and joy in my successes. Help me to always seek you first and to build my plans around you, especially as I continue into the next stage of my life. Thank you for all the good things that have brought me to this point in my life and for the opportunity to continue to move forward and find and bring even more goodness to the world. Amen.