“He will keep you safe. But to Israel and Judah he will be the stone that makes people stumble, a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.” Isaiah 8:14 (NLT)
In the time of Isaiah, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were not obeying the mandates that God had given them and part of this passage is a warning to them. In this passage, Isaiah also prophesies that Jesus will keep people safe, but that those who disobey His commands, He will be a stumbling block in their way. The prophecy is fulfilled in 1 Peter 2:7-8, which states that those who trust in Jesus recognize the honor God has given Him. But to those who do not, they are warned that they will be fated to stumble in life as they have not followed God’s commands.
This prophecy is more straight forward and shows that if we do as we are told to do, believing in Jesus, following the commandments of God, and living a godly life, we will be safe from the traps and snares of life.
Pray: Lord, help me to gain faith in you and to remain strong in it. Do not let me stray from your safety into the wilderness of the world. I wish to stay on the narrow path that is clear from the stumbling blocks of life. Help me to avoid temptation, and keep that which would lead me away from you at bay. Thank you for all you have given me and have ready for me in the future. Amen.