Don’t Let Laziness Ruin Your Life

Don’t Let Laziness Ruin Your Life

Fools fold their hands and ruin themselves. Ecclesiastes 4:5 (NIV)

Today’s post is all about action! It’s important to seize opportunities when they come into your life. Yes, you should research the opportunity and pray as you seek God’s guidance, but doing nothing isn’t an option. The verse above is talking about laziness (or procrastination). Laziness is the enemy to your future. God has a plan and purpose for your life, but you will never realize that purpose if you operate out of laziness or procrastination. What do you need to start doing TODAY? Commit to taking just one step. This post isn’t about having the entire plan sorted out, it’s just about taking one step. If you can take a step, you can finish the race. Don’t let laziness rob you of your future.