Satisfaction & Contentment

Satisfaction & Contentment

Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 4:6 (NIV)

We could all use more tranquility in our lives. Tranquility comes from being satisfied and content with your life. Oftentimes, we are in pursuit of what other people have – car, house, boat, etc. The Bible tells us it’s better to have tranquility than the frustration of trying to get what others have. When our focus is on what they have, it’s like chasing the wind. We’ll never be happy or satisfied comparing our life to their life. Instead of toiling to be something you’re not or do things God never intended for you to do, be content with your life and enjoy the tranquility. Now, there is a difference between content and complacent. When you are content, your satisfaction in life is tied to what God has already said about you and promised in the Bible. The word complacent implies that you are no longer trying to improve and accept your current condition. God always wants us to improve, but He wants our focus to be on Him instead of pursuing things that don’t matter. Do you have tranquility or are you chasing the wind?