“But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 (NLT)
As a parent, you don’t get to choose your children. Sometimes they are well behaved and at other times, they can be a challenge. But you love them because they are a part of your family. God knows you. He knows your strengths and weaknesses. He knows that you are imperfect and will make mistakes. He knows you will disobey him at times. He knows what makes you angry, sad, and guilty. But he chose to let you into his family. He sent his only Son to die, so you could accept the gift of being his child. He loves you just the way you are. All you have to do is trust him and accept the free gift.
Prayer: God, I know I am not perfect. I make mistakes but you love me anyway. Thank you for making a way, so I can be part of your family. I trust in you alone. In Jesus name. Amen.