Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (NLT)
Jesus said that He is THE WAY. He also said, “No one can come to the Father except through me.” Jesus is THE WAY to the Father. So, if you want access to the Father, there is only one path – JESUS.
In addition, Jesus stated that He is the truth and the life. Maybe you are at a point where you feel like things aren’t going great in your life. Maybe you are having family, work or other problems. Or maybe you just feel unfulfilled in your life. If so, there is good news! Jesus came to give you life. He wants you to live life to the fullest.
I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest. John 10:10 (CEB)
Prayer: Jesus, I need your help. You can see my current situation and you know all of my problems. I believe what the bible says. Help me to live a life where I am fulfilled and walking in the purpose you planned for my life. Help me to always remember that you want me to live life to the fullest. In Jesus’ name. Amen.